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What is an Advocate?


  • We envision a Shasta County-wide collaborative and volunteer force from churches to befriend homeless and recovering individuals. They are knowledgeable of needs, the necessary steps through recovery and into housing, and of opportunities for homeless people to become stable and reconnect with their purpose in life.

  • Invite your new friend into your healthy church community as they heal and work towards wholeness. This could include attending your home group, enjoying meals, fun outings together and meeting practical needs.


  • Help people get into a safe and stable place.

  • Mentor up to 3 individuals and follow their progress to stability.

  • Obtain support and overcome barriers through communication with their team and team leaders.

  • Pioneer solutions to problems they discover (ex: pets as a housing barrier) with their team or church


  • Mobilize, equip, and support communities of caring volunteer advocates who mentor the homeless toward stable and purposeful living.


Nikko Arellano

"A significant take away for me was being able to hear so many stories from people and also how they're planning and moving forward with their lives. I liked being able to connect with people and do something practical to help this community."

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